2121 S Oneida St #312, Denver, CO 80224

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What Is Satsang Sports Massage?

"Satsang Sports Massage" was the vision of its founder, Sean Fox. He aimed to establish a place where therapists specialize in Myofascial Release, an advanced massage technique that focuses on addressing areas of tension in the body. According to Sean, posture is not about how you hold your body, but rather about how your body holds itself. By carefully separating muscles that have become bound together, the body naturally returns to its balanced state. The therapists at Satsang Sports Massage have the knowledge and experience to effectively address chronic pain, posture imbalances, tension headaches, old and new injuries, upper back and neck pain, low back pain, herniated discs, sciatica, osteoarthritis, tingling and numbness, plantar fasciitis and more. Put simply, if you're in pain, they can help.

In addition, we are focused on teaching you about your body so you have the tools to continue the healing process once you leave the studio.

We encourage you to book your first session and feel the difference for yourself!

Satsang [saht-sahng] is a Sanskrit word that means “gathering together for the truth” or, more simply, “being with the truth.”

"we have been seeing new clients for years with the same basic story. They have pursued every medical option at their disposal and still have pain. Even worse, some of them have been told that there is nothing more that can be done for them. I am happy to say that this just isn’t true. The truth is that myofascial release can permanently fix the underlying causes of most physical pain. You are not hopeless. You do not need to take pain medication for the rest of your life. You probably do not need surgery. There is a better way!

Western medicine is slowly catching on that myofascial release exists, and amazing results can be attained. But when I say slowly, I mean slooooowly. Time and time again, I have returning clients say, the problem area I originally came in with is fine now. I have this other area that has always bothered me, but you probably can't do anything about that. Yes, I can do something about that! Myofascial release can help you with any pain, anywhere in your muscles and joints, any part of your body.”

Latest Changes

New Location Update for Senior Therapists Gianluca and Spencer

We are pleased to announce that Gianluca and Spencer continue to offer their services at our new location. Clients wishing to book sessions with either therapist can do so conveniently through our official app. Please note that we are not currently offering subscription services. We look forward to seeing you at our new address and assisting you on your wellness journey.

Remembering Our Founder

Picture of Satsang Sports Massage Sean Fox holding a puppy

Sean Fox was the founder and of Satsang Sports massage and it was his vision that brought this healing place into being. Sean helped hundreds of Denver residents live pain-free lives without prescription medication or irreversible surgery. He wanted to bring healing to as many people as he could and recruited a group of skilled therapists to help him realize his goal.

Sadly we lost Sean on October 3, 2023. We want to continue his work and continue helping people in Denver live pain free, active lives.

Take Control Of Your Pain So You Can Be At Your Best!

Massage Therapist using hands to massaging skin